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Wasting Time

Feb 22, 2024

2 min read

What are you doing with your time? I thought about this some this week because I’ve had a cold and was stuck laying on the couch, sleeping, watching TV. I usually read, but I didn’t even do that because I didn’t have the energy or ambition to pick up a book. It made me think about how wasteful we can be of our time—our days. God doesn’t give us unlimited days. Cancer certainly makes me think about that more often. Days lost to illness become more precious. Did you know the Bible tells us to make the best use of the time we have(Colossians 4:5)?

It’s easy to think that life just rolls on. That’s exactly what Peter, one of the apostles, wrote to warn people about…he warned in his letter not to take time for granted (2 Peter 3:4—8). He included two examples in his warning not to waste time. The first example was Creation. Out of the blue, God created the world and everything in it. It was not business as usual when God created the world. It was the beginning of earthly life. Think about that…quite an event. The second example Peter wrote about was the Great Flood. The beautiful Creation that God had made had become so corrupt that God allowed the entire world to be drowned. Everyone perished except for Noah and his family. What’s important to remember about that Great Flood is that God didn’t allow that to happen without warning the people. Through Noah’s preaching, God warned people of the coming judgment for their corruption for 120 years (Genesis 6:3). That’s a long time. Peter was repeating that warning…don’t waste time but come to faith and repentance.

It’s easy to believe that life will continue as usual indefinitely. It’s easy to depend on having tomorrow come, right? We plan. We make commitments. We set up appointments. We do all those things. This is not wrong, but our time is in God’s hands. Moses prayed that God would teach us to number our days, that we may get a heart of wisdom (Psalm 90:12). What does that mean? It means consider the use of your time. It means don’t depend on yourself but on the wisdom of God…what is His wisdom? The Bible. God tells us about Himself in His Word so that we may know Him, trust Him, and love Him. The greatest way that God tells us about Himself is through His Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus is the wisdom of God (1 Corinthians 1:24). Only in Jesus Christ will you find true wisdom, wisdom that leads to life, now and forever.

So what’s the message? Turn to Jesus now. Don’t waste more time on silly, wasteful, corrupting things. Turn to Christ. Eternal value—that’s what I hope I’m spending my time on….things that are of eternal value. What about you? If you need prayer or a Bible, let me know.

Feb 22, 2024

2 min read



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