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2 days ago

3 min read

You  know, I didn’t always believe in Jesus in a saving way. In my “pre-believing” days, I would sometimes worry about whether or not I was saved. When I had these thoughts, I’d pray that Jesus would come into my heart. And then I’d go on living life as usual. No change. Time would go by. I’d get worried again. And I’d do the same thing. Over and over I’d pray, but nothing ever changed. And I just kept worrying. There was  a man in the Bible who also worried that he wasn’t saved (Luke 18: 18–23). The man was so worried that when Jesus came to town, he tracked Jesus down. The man asked Jesus what he needed to do to inherit eternal life. That was exactly my question for so many years! What did I have to do?? Now, it seems this man was super-religious because when he told Jesus about himself, he said he had kept all God’s commandments since he was a boy. You’d think if he’s done good all his life and done all the “right things” his whole life, he’d be in good shape, right? That’s how a lot of people think. They get trapped in the lie that being a good person, doing good things is what God is after—people think this is the way to heaven. But this guy who talked to Jesus knew better—he knew being good wasn’t enough. He was truly worried. Something was missing.

Jesus cut right through all the man’s appearance of goodness and told him what it would take: Jesus required that the man be willing give up anything and everything for Him. And then Jesus tested the man—He tested his willingness to give up everything for Him. How? Well, since Jesus knows what is in a person’s heart, He knew that the man’s money meant everything to him. It wasn’t just important to him, it was his life. The guy loved his money. If we are honest, we’re all in the same boat with this man—we all love our money. Why? Because money means security and comfort. Jesus told the man to do a crazy thing: go and sell all that he had and give it to the poor, and Jesus promised the man he’d have treasure in heaven (Luke 18:22).  Notice Jesus didn’t say to sell some of his belongings—He told the man to sell all that he had. The man heard this and became very sad. Why? Because as much as he wanted eternal life, he wanted to hang on to his belongings more. His stuff was more important to him than eternal life. So, he got to keep his stuff, but now he’s spending eternity in hell, unsaved. Dumb choice.

In my pre-believing days, when I would pray that little prayer again and again, there was no change in me because, like the rich man, I was unwilling to give up anything and everything for Jesus. I wanted the security of knowing I was saved without actually giving my life to Jesus. I didn’t acknowledge I was sinful. I didn’t repent of sin. I wanted what Jesus was offering but at that point in my life, the cost of following Jesus was too great. How blessed I am that Jesus didn’t give up on me!…because He could’ve. He could've lost patience with me and given me over to sin permanently (Romans 1:28–32). That can happen.

Jesus loves sinners too much to let them believe the lie that being good is the way to eternal life. He tells them the truth: He requires complete surrender to Him and His will. It’s the way to eternal life. That’s what He made clear to the rich man. He made that clear to me…give Him my life. And the blessings He gives in return are all the riches of heaven…the confident hope in life eternal, the security of His love that is beyond explanation, peace with God, joy in all circumstances, and so much more. Who better to have in charge of my life than the Lord Jesus?? If you need prayer or a Bible, let one of the Feed Your Soul team members know.

2 days ago

3 min read



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