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Spiritual Health

Sep 8, 2024

2 min read

My friend’s husband has a lot of health problems. He’s maybe not always been the picture of perfect health, but he’s been fine. About a month ago, he found out he has cancer. And heart problems. So, practically overnight, he went from thinking he was healthy to knowing he had life-threatening diseases. Now, his days are filled with all sorts of doctors, appointments, tests, and phone calls. Maybe you have health problems too. Maybe you spend a lot of your time driving to appointments…waiting…seeing doctors…trying different meds…getting tests done. In general, when our health takes a nose-dive, we get on it. We take action. We get help. We want to get better. 

You know, when Jesus was on the earth, He performed many miracles. He healed people of all kinds of diseases. He made blind people see. He made lame people walk. He made deaf people hear. He healed—fully and completely and instantly. Part of the reason Jesus healed almost everywhere He went was because He had compassion for people who were suffering. He cared about their aches and pains and suffering. So, He did something about it. But what truly motivated Jesus to heal people was His relentless effort to show people who He was: God in the flesh. Who can fully and completely and instantly heal other than God? No one. Jesus’s miracles were proof. Now, if people could understand who Jesus was—God—they could believe in Him. The miracles were evidence that Jesus was God in the flesh so that people would believe.

But why did Jesus care about people understanding who He was? Because He cared about their spiritual health. Yes, He cared about their physical health, and so He healed. But even more, He cared about their spiritual health. How is your spiritual health? I’ll tell you: without Jesus Christ as the Master of your life and your Savior from your sin, you are spiritually dead. Dead. Get that? You’re not on life support. You’re spiritually dead. Jesus offers spiritual life to those who are spiritually dead. When He was here on earth, those who believed in Him, received spiritual healing: they received life. It’s been the same ever since.

We spend a lot of time on our physical health. Maybe you try to eat healthy. Maybe you try to get some exercise. Maybe you take vitamins. And when big health problems happen, like with my friend’s husband, doctors become a way of life. Our physical health becomes The Thing that consumes our thoughts, our time, our money. But what about your spiritual health? You see, we all will die one day. Taking care of our physical bodies is important, but at some point, physical health won’t matter anymore. Our spiritual bodies are eternal. Jesus does not desire that anyone—not you and not me—should perish spiritually. Spiritual life is possible only by putting your faith in Christ. Your spiritual health matters—and the only One who can meet your spiritual health needs is Jesus. Eternal life is found only in Him. If you need prayer or a Bible, let us know.

Sep 8, 2024

2 min read



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