Did you know there are two different kinds of addictions? One is what you would expect: being dependent either physically or psychologically on any habit-forming substance. The usual suspects are part of this definition…drugs, alcohol, pornography, tobacco, gambling, gluttony, etc.
The second kind of addiction is “occupying oneself with or involve oneself in something habitually or compulsively.” In other words, it’s something you devote yourself to intensively, again and again. It could be sports,, or work (this was me at one time—my job totally consumed me, my time, my thoughts, my energy). It could be your kids. Maybe it’s your phone or social media. Maybe it’s stuff. It could be you…“self”—being focused on you—“I want…” “I need…” “I’m right.” “I’ve been wronged.” Whatever your addiction is, it takes priority. You can see what you’re devoted to by what you pour your time, energy, thoughts, and money into.
The Bible is God’s way of communicating with us who He is, what He’s like, how we are to live—and His #1 command is to love Him. Now, when you love someone, how do you show that love? Do you fight with them, argue with them, call them liars? Or do you try to be in harmony with them by honoring what they ask of you? It’s the same with God. Obeying what God teaches us through His Word, the Bible, is how we demonstrate our love for Him. It’s how we honor Him. God said about Jesus, “This is my Son, my Chosen One; listen to Him” (Luke 9:35). In other words, “Do what Jesus tells you to do…listen to Him, obey Him.” God is not offering a suggestion or gently nudging us along. He’s commanding us! And this is what Jesus taught…our number one priority is to “love God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind” (Matthew 22:37). Notice He’s not saying some of your heart, soul, and mind, but all. When Jesus says we are to love God above all other things, we are to listen and obey.
Addictions of any kind turn that upside down. Whatever our addictions are, they take priority in our lives. When we are controlled by addictions, regardless of what they are, we aren’t obeying God by loving Him more than anything else. Instead, our time is spent thinking about, planning for, spending on and engaging in our addictions, from drugs to self. This is not listening to Jesus. It is not obeying Jesus. Disobeying Jesus is called Sin. Sin comes with a price—a price that sinless Jesus paid for those who place their faith in Him. So. What are your priorities? God or a whole bunch of other things? I do not make light of addiction—I know some addictions are extremely hard to overcome. I get that. But they are not impossible to overcome, for nothing is impossible with God. If you need prayer, please let me know.